It was on the 16th of this month, that the Karim and Metussin family embarked on a one day journey to the state of New Jersey. Our aim was of course to visit the ever famous
'Atlantic City'.
The estimated time of travel was most probably 2 hours....everyone would agree with me if i said it was an 'agonozing' 2 hours of our traveling lives. I say this because eventhough we were in a huge van, it still felt like we were sardines, there was really no proper headrest to rest our heads upon, and even though i had those traveling 'U-shaped' pillows, it was to thick. I honestly dont think they were ergonomically made for the average asian; the same goes for our massage chair we have at home in the apartment. Its mde for the tall white ppl. So when we press the button to command th chair to massage our back, it massages our necks! How messed up is that.