Here are some more pictures from Washingon that i didnt take. There was one night we went over to Uncle Sunadi and Aunty Honeyta place for dinner, sadly i didnt bring my camera that night, but luckily my umi brought hers (she brings it everywhere since its very compact).
The host's were very hospitable to all of us, their house was awesome, it was very spaceouse *sp*. The food was deliciouse they served BRUNEI FOOD! They had Soto and AMBUYAAAAAATT!!!!!
I miss my Babus (granmas) ambuyat...sniff sniff.
Id like to apologize in advance that my pictures are not put in any order, all these pictures are everywhere.

Aunty Asmah, Aunty Honeyta (The Hostess's), Aunty Zaiton, Wan Rahmani (LOL my mum) and Little Hakim ^^
Aunty Mas (On the left)

Aunty Zaiton and my mum hanging loose on the couch.
Look closely and you can see Tangah Ajis in the background, standing outside the door.

A lovely singer that night.
Getting ready to leave.

Group Photo of the 'families united'

Tha family in the Factory outlet in Washington. Abg, Faf and me, bought our winter coats/jackets for UK. (We are so ready)

Back on the night fo the dinner in Aunty Honit's and Uncle Sunadi's humble abode. Their kids are sitting in from o the entertainment center, where they enjoyed plying guitar hero on their Wii.

Aunty Mas and Aunty Zaiton chilling ^^

Waie and me; in sad desperation to make Arriana laugh or even smile a little.....
(All she did was stare at us)

Ayah holding up
Arriana for me and Waie.

We all were exhausted from waking up early the morning we had to depart from Washington.

This picture was taken in the golf course (inside where lunch was served) right after the men had their tournament.

Umi and Syaza at the factory outlet.

Hahahahah! This picture cracked me up. Teehee. Dont worry Tangah Ajis ^^ it happens to everyone =P