Thursday, December 27, 2007

Paying Respect to Yankee

Umi Nani being an avid softball player (Gooo Divas) and a Yankee Fan insist on going to Yankees Stadium,so we took a drive to Bronx(yes its in Bronx).A big grin on Umi Nani's face once we reached the homeground of the Yankees.Sadly no camera allowed inside the stadium

Taking a snap infront of the Official Yankee Store..

No.13 Rodriguez...(sapa kan tu?,oopps..guess am not much of baseball players)

Spend good one hour looking aroung the stadium,quite a huge one and quite a number of visitors too, one Yankee supporters was telling me that... "Without Yankee my man..there is no baseball."..Wow he is a Yankee Fanantic...

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