Friday, July 18, 2008

Road trip to the factory Outlet.

Hi guys. Sorry i meant to post this up a few days ago but i sorta...forgot =P So this is what happened; we all (the family) went on a short road trip t this factory outlet, which was a pretty great place. The ride took about 2hrs, everyoneended up sleeping int he car, while i cozied*sp* up to that new Sopie Kinsella book ^^ and Abg read 'Wicked' (also a musical).
I didnt take a full view shot o the place, but seriously it was an awesome place! The place looked like a suburban neighborhood and the 'houses' are the different stores.

This is sweet! And i mean literally! LOL

Aint it a cowinky dink that i find a 'mini melt' vending machine??...haha, u noe coz brunei has mini mels (not the vending machine though) Its a wonder to me how they kep the ice cream cool.

Tijah enjoying the shade with Arriana

Now thats what im talking about!

PLeh we didnt even go in there.

You guys dont have to ask why we took this picture XD
Just look carefully ^^

The food court

The Puma Store.

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